Sunday 16 February 2014

Why did we do it?

All those months ago, Martyn asked me to travel (some of) the world with him. Initially I was skeptical. I hadn't really had any wanderlust to speak of, I'd look at cool photos and just think, "some day" not really worrying if that day ever came.

I was sold when the talk of volunteering came up, we found our company and it spoke of changing the world, helping people and improving yourself. Looking back, I realise that all the companies say that but it was too late, I signed us up there and then.

Leading up to leaving was an emotional, and confusing time. I was doubtful, did I actually want to go? Was I just following Martyn into his dreams and waiting for mine to start? Would I enjoy it?

Actually arriving however was just incredible, we had day after day of new experiences, new feelings and new people. I couldn't believe how quickly I adapted to being away from home. The concept of 'home' soon changed and I found myself not worrying about the place, or where we were going to be in the next few days rather soaking up as much as I could, living in the now (if you'll pardon the cliché).

The contrasts of India, the laid-back lifestyle of Nepal and the ever changing, slightly consumerist backdrop of Europe became the norm. We accepted whatever situation we ended up in, allowing us to enjoy ourselves and take in as much as we could.

I can't say we found ourselves, that's one cliché too many, but we certainly found a way of life we fell in love with. We became closer, I can count the number of rows, spats or disagreements we had over the course of 7 months on one hand. Our priorities have changed, we try to be less consumerist than we were as we have seen the impact first hand. Finally we have become more accepting, I'm by no means saying we've converted to Buddhism, found Nirvana and can see all the beauty in the world, but we now have more patience for people who have different opinions to us, or act in a way we wouldn't choose to; and that's no bad thing.

Oh, and my dreams? They're still in there waiting to come out, but now I've got new ones edging their way in too. My travelling itch has by no means been sated, in fact I think it's got worse! I can't wait to see what else there is to offer in the world. Who knows where we'll end up, and that's just the way I like it...

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